Monday, October 26, 2009

favourite songs of my late brother.......................

actually, i used to have 7 siblings, 4 brothers and 2 sisters...however now left just the 6 of us....
this is because my eldest brother had passed away on january 2001.

his name is Saiful Zahreen and we called him as "abang". he was a kind,polite,gentle and handsome man. he love singing a lot...2 days before he passed away, it was the 3rd raya when our family from my mother's side having a family day and we had "talent nite" that day... each family must have 2 representatives. from my family, my 2nd brother singing solo and my eldest brother was doing duet with my mother. they sang his favourite song that is "Hard for me to say i'm sorry". it was a wonderful song. if you listened to the wordings of the song, sometimes it will make you cry... the next day, cousins from my father's side were having an open house at night. we also karoeke at that night. he sang one more song that is "Everyday i love you". the song is very nice....

when i think back and listened to both songs, i feel sad and sometimes i cried....we shared the same birthday that is on October 8. we used to celebrate it together along with my 2nd brother that was on October 9 and with my cousin on October 5. now left the three of us to celebrate the birthday.....

my pray for him....may Allah bless him and his soul....may he be at the placed where he would be happy....and i just want him to know that i miss him so much.....and love him forever......


naby said...

hurm...i can feel what you feel dear...becoz...i used to go through with this kind of know that right..even he's just my friend but for me he is very mean to the way...may Allah bless them with his Almighty...AMINNNNNN....

fizah said...

its really sad and hard when you lost someone you love..that's what i feel when i'm losing my mom..the feeling still just same although its already 14 years..its really hard but life must go on..we just need to go on it and accept it...