Tuesday, October 13, 2009

it's not easy

It may be easy to be friends with everyone, but it is hard to find friends who are really true to friendship and would stand by, during the hardships of life. Not everyone is blessed with true friends and if you have even one, consider yourself lucky. In our related section, we have compiled a collection of stories based on friendship. The stories given in the section are categorized into funny, short and inspirational. Although the three stories are different in terms of genre, they carry the real essence of the theme - friendship. Narrate any of the story to your pal and have a pleasant time on Friendship Day!


Anonymous said...

yeah i agree wif u dear...but u know...i'm so lucky to have fzah,syusyui, n you as my best friends...may our relationships will be ever lasting and Allah bless us....huhu

fizahkamis said...

frienship may sometimes have sweetness and sourness..its depend on how you interpret the relationship dear...

ayu a.k.a syusyui said...

a friend indeed is a friend in need...